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Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)
Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)

Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)

Artist (Chinese, 1592 - 1652)
Date1644 - 1652
DynastyQing dynasty (1644 - 1911)
MaterialsInk on silk
DimensionsH. 12 in x W. 211 1/2 in, H. 31.7 cm x W. 537.2 cm (image); H. 13 in, H. 33 cm (overall)
Credit LineThe Yeh Family Collection
Object number2011.44
DepartmentChinese Art
On View
Not on view
SignedArtist signature/date: Wang Duo from Hongjin, 1655. 乙未春日力臣吳坦自丹陽來訪於江南省, 兀居鴻雪齋閒無事, 筆硯懶廢久矣, 偶撿舊作書之。洪津王鐸。 Seal: Wang Duo from mengjin 孟津王鐸 (白文方印)。
InscribedSection 1 憶中園 (有引) 成都城外二里許有中園, 藩莊也, 阡連東南, 江帶左右, 衍在中也。附轄州縣三十餘治,每歲上巳期集駿賽會錦津時, 則王孫俠士, 金絡寶鏕, 琇充繪束, 罄控如龍, 而觀擁堵牆, 采喝雷電。又有花梨屏, 梅籹霞榭, 弦歌雜作, 月吐山更如狂岡, 念望五而止。大康沉沉, 誰醉思外展也。嘉會夢覺, 忽喪彼都, 人士宛結, 我心爰同。社友吳孟春坪、冷季、梅庵客窗憶及, 潛然涕下, 同志嘯歌, 不知所云。 蜀國相封三百秋, 土貢五色開梁州, 華陽松柏臥龍井, 中園寶玉金沙頭。年年春光搖上巳, 三十州縣誇錦里, 駿馬雕鞍約三千, 一夜行空驟雲至, 雲至霧曉梨花開, 雪屏梅帳簇莓苔, 江亭妓酒弦歌雜, 闐闐綺錯少城隈, 中有一疋兩疋龍, 蹄生雲霧掃春風, 千呼萬呼齊拍采, 天馬不與凡馬同, 幾見三月有十五, 江水長流山月空。記得辛酉尚留盛, 泗瀾錦水百花映, 鎖橋畔近千萬家, 家家叢竹醉異聖, 醉述賽馬抵家談, 同口龍媒無青燥, 火燐時焰金沙漵, 突遭匪茹屠馬賊, 錦關花竹痛江南, 江南花竹推有蜀, 滄浪歌聽溪綠。別經離亂三十年, 腸斷荒煙遙躑躅。君不問甲申以後張逆成都更慘傷, 人無孓遺士無粟, 沃野千里草迷天, 海田夢歸魂不足。客萍莫聚三月三, 新月入杯誰思酣, 春去又來五月五, 冬夜鄉愁夏日補。江、掌。 寄懷王慕吉窗兄。時居丹陽, 係舊令尹。 Section 2 丹陽王子喬, 勵志抗青霄, 我憶玉溪竹, 君怀懷柙木橋, 行藏千古定, 寤寐一身遙。空洒西亭淚, 江山感寂寥, 吾友雖流寓, 湖山舊主人。依然京口月, 照帶秣陵春。吊古添詩料,懷鄉遠市麈。只愁泉石義, 垂釣未終綸 (時薦臺中流寓人才)。 Section 3 冷梅庵從軍入川 地闢天開存我輩, 東南西北皆身內, 黃河白日電影來, 那得由人執進退。今日相逢北邙山, 明日擁騎函谷關, 一日一夜數千里, 秦蜀塞霜凋容顏。吾友膽義不言苦, 從軍直入少城灣, 青燐時焰金沙漵, 明月孤瀠錦水班。十年生聚應沃野, 萬里題橋今司馬, 洛陽分乎休為嗟, 三萬六千日可賈, 樽前一語贈千古, 且遲岷山訪月戶, 君不見拯溺道情豈異人, 展季弦高可歷數。 長安和社友吳春坪之作 徐湖曾憶棹揚州, 共醉煙花解客憂, 倒酩山公今啟事, 長吟水部自窮愁, 故人夜卜挑燈話, 清酒狂歌對月浮。白首為郎無執戟, 能禁大澤擁羊裘。 寄懷柳鳳瞻年兄中丞 萬里孤舟風雨寒, 海帆破浪入長安, 懷人塞月燕山遠, 羇客雲更蜀道難。同譜弟兄離亂跡, 異鄉音訊有無端。何時劍閣烽煙靜, 攜手凌虹穩釣灘。 Section 4 長安客居 萍蹤出處多滯留, 薊北江南獨異鄉。碁局無心爭黑白, 琴弦有指辨宮商。少年花月同殘夢, 故國山川入夕陽。那得酒闌人散後, 羇臣萬里不增傷。
More Information
The handscroll format offers later viewers the opportunity to comment on their impressions of the work, since it is possible to add sheets to the end. Examples by famous artists such as Wang Duo were particularly popular, serving as vehicles for members of the educated elite to share their thoughts free from the bounds of time and place. This work has laudatory comments by seven of the leading experts on Chinese painting and calligraphy of the late-nineteenth and the early-twentieth century. Four of these comments were added after Ye Gongchao had "rescued" the piece from Japan, where it had been taken during the second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945).

This handscroll contains five compositions. The first piece, "Memory of Central Garden," is arranged in two sections. It presents a moment of historical change for the Central Garden, which was actually a village on the outskirts of Chengdu, Sichuan province.
The second composition, titled "Cherishing the Memory of my Mentor, Brother Wang Muji, the Late Governor Living in Danyang," plays tribute to Wang Muji, a close friend and mentor of the calligrapher, and describes Wang as a honorable official who was determined to battle against enemies. The third essay, titled "The Han Army's March on Cold Plum Temple," consists of three sections praising the triumph of the Han army over the Qin dynasty (221–207 BCE.). A fourth section, the seven-character poem "Living in Chang'an as a Guest," continues the theme of friendship. The authenticity of this handscroll is not questioned in any of its seven inscriptions and colophons. The date that accompanies the artist's inscription, however, is equivalent either to 1595, when Wang was three years old, or to 1655, three years after his death.